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Make a Bee Hotel

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We've partnered with eco-brand Its Our Planet Too to share with you a super simple summer activity you can do at home over the holidays! All created with things you'll likely have at home, this is one example of the amazing activities that you'll receive in their eco subscription boxes.

Bees play a critical role of our ecosystem, they help to provide a lot of the food we eat! Many fruit and vegetables rely on bees and other insects to fly around, dipping into their flowers and spreading the pollen which helps plants to produce seeds. With modern development, bees often have to fly further between flowers and often run out of energy. Some bees seek out nests and places to rest, so make this bee hotel to help them on their eco journeys!

You will need: bamboo canes, tape, twine or string, scissors, modelling clay and a clay plant pot.

  1. Ask a grown up to help you carefully trim the bamboo canes into similar length pieces no longer than the height of the clay pot. Aim for 15-20 pieces.
  2. Collect up the pieces of cane so they are end-to-end in a bundle, and bind them together with the tape, twine or string.
  3. Press a lump of modelling clay into the base of the clay pot.
  4. Making sure that the open ends of the canes are facing outwards, push the bundle of canes into the pot so they are secured in the modelling clay.
  5. If needed, use some extra modelling clay around the edges to the canes are tightly wedged inside the pot.
  6. Lie the pot on its side in a dry and sunny spot.

Download the pdf version here

At It’s Our Planet Too, we’re on a mission to ignite a passion to protect our planet through play, encouraging small actions that make a big difference. By bringing the environment into our playtimes, we teach our children the value of their planet and equip them to become little eco heroes, who are empowered to protect our incredible world. Our eco activity kits – or Tool Kits For Eco Heroes as we like to call them are packed with hours of fun activities to help children take action and save our planet!